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Changed Classes and Interfaces
Attribute This interface represents an attribute associated with a named object.
AttributeInUseException This exception is thrown when an operation attempts to add an attribute that already exists.
AttributeModificationException This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add or remove or modify an attribute its identifier or its values that conflicts with the attribute's (schema) definition or the attribute's state.
Attributes This interface represents a collection of attributes.
BasicAttribute This class provides a basic implementation of the Attribute interface.
BasicAttributes This class provides a basic implementation of the Attributes interface.
DirContext The directory service interface containing methods for examining and updating attributes associated with objects and for searching the directory.
InitialDirContext This class is the starting context for performing directory operations.
InvalidAttributeIdentifierException This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add to create an attribute with an invalid attribute identifier.
InvalidAttributeValueException This class is thrown when an attempt is made to add to an attribute a value that conflicts with the attribute's schema definition.
InvalidAttributesException This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to add or modify an attribute set that has been specified incompletely or incorrectly.
InvalidSearchControlsException This exception is thrown when the specification of the SearchControls for a search operation is invalid.
InvalidSearchFilterException This exception is thrown when the specification of a search filter is invalid.
ModificationItem This class represents a modification item.
NoSuchAttributeException This exception is thrown when attempting to access an attribute that does not exist.
SchemaViolationException This exception is thrown when a method in some ways violates the schema.
SearchControls This class encapsulates factors that determine scope of search and what gets returned as a result of the search.
SearchResult This class represents an item in the NamingEnumeration returned as a result of the methods.